
Tickerverse - Event-Driven Market Intelligence

Stay on top of important company events

find new opportunities with event-driven investing.

1.1M+ SEC Filings

Automaticaly analyzing 8-K, 424B4 (IPO prospectus) forms.

37K+ Entities

Information about key executives, directors, funds, 10% owners.

1.4K+ Events

Special situations and corporate actions like CEO change, IPO complete.

8.2K+ Companies

Information about publicly traded companies, their financials and management.

We don't just aggregate and display data, we highlight potentially important events.

We monitor regulatory filings market-wide, so that we can bring distilled report of relevant events to you.

Get inspired to achieve returns in all market conditions with event-driven strategies.


What do I get by creating Tickerverse account?

With FREE subscription it is easier to find new opportunities best suited to your individual investment style. Customization options include creating watchlists and custom event filters. Oh, and you get list of daily/weekly events in your inbox.

What is event-driven investing?

Event-driven investing is a strategy that seeks to exploit pricing inefficiencies that may occur before or after a corporate action or a special situation, such as CEO change, IPO, earnings call, bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, or spinoff.

When will you mail me the events?

We will send you reports daily, weekly, or both depending on your configuration. These emails will contain events detected in the corresponding period.

Should I buy or sell stocks that show up in Tickerverse events?

That is up to you! We only provide the information, not trade recommendations. Detected events can be positive, negative, or even neutral for the stocks. Your due diligence process only begins with our events.

Where does Tickerverse get data?

We get our event data from sec.gov, which is the authoritative source of regulatory filings for US stocks. Information about companies and executives is aggregated from various sources.

What is a regulatory filing?

All publicly-traded companies and even some private entities like investment funds must submit forms to the regulator. For example, public companies file Form 8-K to report unscheduled material events or corporate changes.

Is that all?

It is still early. We are planning to add more types of events, other data sources, and more. Feel free to contact us and request specific features.

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