
Last updated: 2021-11-22

Introducing Basic Search Feature and Company Information

New features - search companies and events by ticker or name. View basic information about companies, like the board of directors, financial metrics and recent SEC filings.

Introducing Basic Search Feature and Company Information

We have added search to the top bar of the page and dedicated search page to make finding information a little bit easier.

search accessible from top bar
Search accessible from the top bar.

You can search by a ticker or a company name, with autocomplete guiding you. Search results include both companies and their events.

search dialogue with autocomplete
Search dialogue with autocomplete.

Basic information about companies is now also available. Company page includes description, members of the board, number of employees, market cap, closing stock price, financial metrics like P/E, revenue, and much more. Did you know that Six Flags has only 1,950 full-time employees?

We have more features coming soon that build on top of this data, stay tuned.

Tags: Service | Tickers: | Author: David Nohejl